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Pipes & Puppies - Our Rescue Page

C Bobsin Organs, Organ Service & Tuning, New Pipe Organs & Pipe Additions by Curtis Bobsin

C. Bobsin Organs is located in a downtown suburb of San Antonio, Texas.  Being on the Near East Side definitely has its advantages as well as its drawbacks.   San Antonio is a thriving, dynamic city and we are excited to be located just minutes from the heart of the action.


But it is not a perfect city and we see neglected and abandoned dogs daily.   Our immediate neighborhood, Denver Heights, is among the highest in the number of stray dogs seen regularly.  We have rescued and placed several of these poor, helpless survivors already and want to do even more.   We believe it is incumbent on those who can, to help those who can't help themselves.  A portion of our profit each year is spent helping abandoned animals.


As a part of our upcoming shop expansion, we are installing several kennels to increase our capacity to care for, rehabilitate and place these neglected dogs.  We feel it is important to actively invest in bettering the world through helping others.


There are a few pictures below which describe the puppies we have helped in just the past year.  We encourage everyone to do their part to help these animals who cannot help themselves.  Volunteer or donate to your local shelter and make sure all of your pets are spayed or neutered.

"We believe it is incumbent on those who can, to help those who can't help themselves.  A portion of our profit each year is spent helping abandoned animals."

Braun, the first week we found him.
Sleepy puppy on a rainy day

Named after the street where he was found, Braun came to us at eight weeks of age.  Literally found in the gutter 2 blocks from the shop this little terrier mix now runs operations here.  


He's a fiesty little guy who loves to snuggle and we are happy to have given him a forever home.


We found Denver cowering beneath our steps one morning earlier this year.  He had been hit by a car in the night and suffered a broken leg and lacerations.


We immediately took him the vet and got him fixed up.  Though we initally planned to place him, we decided to keep him as a companion for Braun.


Though he is bigger, he is definitely the "little brother" and follows Braun all over, emulating him in every way.


Our latest C Bobsin rescue, Hope was found on the front steps of our shop August 2nd.  After an initial overnight stay with our vet she is recuperating very quickly and enjoys hanging out in the shop, watching everyone work.


Used to breed puppies for a profit, she was abandoned on the street after being abused for years.  


We are currently making arrangements for a new home for Hope and will have her placed in a week or two.

Italia & Harrington

No page about our shop pets would be complete without mentioning the cats!  Italia and Harry are also both rescues who have been with us for years.


They are in charge of just about everything and between them they run the shop.

Instagram - Harry is lying down on the job...jpg
Instagram - Italia can't decide what to read this morning.....jpg
Instagram - Italia & Harrington.  On my pillow no less...jpg
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